Oh, The Places You'll Go

 (there's only a few hours left to vote for your favorite blog and we have a tie! you could be the tie-breaker... just vote in my sidebar)

Good morning my fine friends. Today is one of those happy-sad days where I need to keep myself busy to stay happy.

Today one of our dearest friends (and renters) left for summer vacation and won't be back until August. This makes me sad and until school gets out for the kiddo's it also makes me bored and lonely.

So today I need to stay busy... which shouldn't be to hard. I could choose from any of the following things to occupy myself:

- mow the lawn
- paint some chairs
- go to walmart for bread and other essentials
- vaccuum the house
- prune the raspberry bushes some more
- give the Mischievite a much needed bath
- play with my blogger background so I can make it how I want it
- take some new pictures for the blog (since I'm recycling old ones)
- purge the house of odd and unneeded items
- put away the picture frames that are propped against the wall in my living room.
- take the pile of cleaning chemicals out of the back of the truck.
- move the bikes into the garage
- do some laundry
- do some dishes
- work on my 'mom book'
- clean up my craft corner
- decide what to cook for dinner
- fix the gate that blocks the stairs
- clean off the front porch
- remake my bed
- fold clothes
- take a nap

Hmm, none of that sounds remotely fun. Well, except the blogging, mom-booking and napping. Maybe that's what I'll do today. Right after I call my mom and chat for 2 hours.

That sounds like a good day to me. What about you?


zach said…
I woke up really wanting to make an ideal day list of how I would want my ideal day to go and get done etc. Then I decided I would just get disappointed so I decided to do that another day!
zach said…
Opps sorry my son of mine Zach must have been using my computer--this is from sara :)
Cannwin said…
lol, I saw the comment name in my email and was sufficiently intrigued. I rarely have guys post comments :) Now I understand.

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