
View from the nice safe floor that doesn't hurt my back.
I threw out my back the other day. It's not as bad as some of the times I throw it out, but whenever I feel that familiar twist in my lower back muscles a sense of immense fear races through my being. Fear for the pain that I know will soon be upon me. Pain that leaves me sprawled on the floor sobbing and begging my dear Ralexwin to 'please make it go away!'

Nothing so horrible has happened yet, but I am taking great care to not push my limits.

Ironically Remewin threw up repeatedly last night and is being a giant cuddle bug today.


Maybe the powers that be will smile upon my selflessness and protect my back from further damage.

Until then I have a pile of laundry the size of K2 and grocery list as long as the Nile.

I wonder if I can fit a visit to the chiropractor in to my day.


Lady Fromage said…
Ouch! Hope your back feels better soon!

-Lady Fromage
Jennifer said…
I'm so sorry you hurt!
Myya said…
Hope your back starts feeling better soon. I've had back problems in the past & they are definitely crappy to deal with!
Lisa said…
Ouch! I totally relate - I know that twinge that automatically sends your brain racing with "Not today! Not now! At least wait until all my chores are done and children are in bed..." Hope your back stays well!

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