Yoga- Oh! Guh!

In the mail last week I found (to my delight) a new catalog--I love catalogs--from Athleta.

Now, first, lets just clarify that I've never purchased anything from these guys before, but I imagine that Gap sold them my address. I'm okay with that... I like junk mail.

But here's the point. As your strolling through the catalog you come across a yoga section with what I can only describe as some of the worst marketing I have ever seen.


Because the photos clearly and decisively distracted me from the product.

Let me give you an example:


I'll wait... go ahead click on it. ::cleans fingernails::

Yes. You see. I'll bet you're not even reading the rest of this post. You're trying to figure out how the he** she's doing that. If you're anything like me you've taken a moment to try to put your hand on the floor next to your leg... forget lifting anything, you can't even put your hand and leg on the floor at the same time, can you!?

Because I sure can't.

And there's no way my legs can do that.

I want to do yoga now (well, okay, I've always sort of wanted to do yoga).

I want to stick this picture up on my wall so I can look at it everyday and remind myself that I can't stretch anymore.

Who cares about clothes when you have images like this floating around in a catalog. Clearly I'm not the target market here, but I'm now really curious about who exactly is.

Okay, now here's the real question... raise your hand if you can do that?

That's what I thought....


K Lind said…
Holy crap! That makes me cramp up just looking at it!
Lady Fromage said…
LOL I love that. I have a similar picture hanging on the fridge at home. To keep me from eating a tub of vanilla icing with a spoon? To motivate me to work out? Actually just because it makes me laugh. I don't work out and I love vanilla icing. :) Thanks for posting that one, I may find myself printing that out :)
Polly Blevins said…
I sure can't do that but I LOVE yoga! Did some this morning...for the first time in about a year.
Lisa said…
LOVE that!!! SOO funny! Definitely can't do that - don't think I ever could!
Saimi said…
I bet he/she would be amazing at the game Twister! I hurt just looking at it, there's no way I'd hang that up!!
Myya said…
There is no way I could come close to doing anything that even remotly resembles that. Man do I need to start working out!

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