How To Get More Blog Hits

Warning: This post contains discussions of my inner female organs.

I've got this pain in my right side. It's not new... in fact since the Mischievite was born it's been coming more and more frequently and pretty regularly. I'm convinced it's a re-occurring cyst on my ovary.

So last night I lay in bed tossing and turning and wondering (not for the first time in my life) why I wasn't taking pain pills.

This morning I'm sitting on the recliner, laptop pulled up to my stomach so that I can pull my legs up to my tummy as well (not very good for typing posture, but I don't care right now).

As I sat in this protective posture, wondering--again--why I haven't taken an Advil, Ralexwin and our tenant, Elizabeth, walked into the kitchen.

"Cannwin is in pain all over in her stomach." Ralexwin announces to the world at large. "She thinks it's Ovarian Cancer."

Elizabeth looks up in shock.

"No, I don't." I say rolling my eyes.

Ralexwin chuckles at his little joke. "She wishes it was Ovarian Cancer."

"No, I don't! Weirdo." I exclaim. "Why would I want cancer?"

"Admit it, if you got cancer then you could talk about it on your blog and you're hits would go way up."

I roll my eyes.

"You'd be able to explain all of the horrid details and everyone would go 'Oh poor Cannwin! You're so brave' and you'd sky rocket into blog-fame."

"Yes, but then I'd have to go through Chemotherapy and that would make me nauseous and you know how much I like to be nauseous."

Ralexwin just chuckled.

My husband... man of sensitivity.

At least he's worried about how many readers I have. ;)


Saimi said…
Well, we all know how important world wide readership is....Crazy man! Not a good trade!

Hope you feel better!
Chelsea said…
When I had pain in my right side, it was gall stones - no fun. I hope whatever it is that it goes away soon because it is awful being in pain.
Meaghan said…
Oh my goodness... You guys are funny :)

I could say that I was an original reader when you get all famous and what not ;)
Polly Blevins said…
That was so funny that I had to read it to Victoria. She just laughed and said she could totally see the conversation going on. It is better when you know the two of you than if you were just some random reader. Thanks for the laugh.
heather said…
I hate ovarian cysts. I'm sorry.
Myya said…
Husbands can be such dorks sometimes. Sounds like something mine might say.
Anonymous said…
LOL! Glad that he's concerned for you... whether it be your health OR your blog.

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