
Dear Silver Car that parked on my street last week:

Sorry if that dent is new. Maybe next time don't park directly across from my driveway.


Huge Silver Truck


Dear Similac:

The recall on your toddler formula was like three months ago. How long does it really take you to resupply?

Mom of a hungry toddler.


Dear Director's of the movie Salt,

Dumb, dumb, dumb ending.

Annoyed Patron


Dear Oven,

When I set you at 300* for an hour expecting you to warm up the food you're holding I would appreciate it if you took the hint.

Frazzled Chef


Dear LDS Omaha, Nebraska Mission,

I get the reasoning behind the guys not being able to come in my house unless my husband is home. But when it's 5* outside and they insist on standing on my porch for 15+ minutes because said spouse is late I begin to wonder if there isn't a line that needs to be decisively drawn in the sand--er snow.

Frustrated Mother-Hen


Saimi said…
Haha, great letters!!

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