A List

Things that I need to do:

1. Get out of the house today before I explode like a nuclear bomb.

2. Go to the store for milk, bananas and whatever else I can come up with.

3. Make a menu of meals for the week.

4. Pry my children from the TV, computer, iPod screens.

5. Find some bunk beds... two sets. 

6. Clean my room (probably won't happen).

7. Find and take some sort of mood stabilizer pill.... do they sell those over the counter? Please?

8. Eat meat. Red juicy meat that melts in my mouth and gets rid of this dang craving I've been having for the last week. (Why don't men get cravings?)

9. Find something to wear that fits my mood. Probably not going to happen since I don't really have any t-shirts and I swear all my jeans have run for the hills.

10. Dress my children today, instead of letting them run around in their underwear like yesterday.


Rachel said…
Charity, I always love reading your blog posts! I love how you're so genuine . . . and you make me laugh!
mandi said…
You're welcome to bring your juicy red meat to our grill tonight [assuming you know how to get it how you like it - The Man hasn't quite mastered the grill]. We're cooking out again tonight. Come if you want to.
Cannwin said…

You're a doll. Thanks so much. I'm glad I seem genuine, sometimes my husband says I'm too open on my blog and I should scale back a bit (we've even fought about it before) but the fact is, I'm not sure I know how to 'scale back.' This is me, this is how I write and this is what helps me survive the day to day monotony. I don't think I could really change that.


Tempting. I'm not sure what Ralexwin will want to do, but I'm going to assume he'll want to stay home as he only has about a week until the Bar. Last night he didn't come home until 11:30P from studying. BUT if he says yes I'll call you. Sound good?
Anonymous said…
Maybe the meat will be your mood stabilizer. A school counselor told me one time (when I was begging for help with my daughter's tantrums)that food makes a difference in how we feel. Just like some people can't function without enough sleep (I'm like that so I understood that perfectly)some people can't function normally without a good diet. *disclaimer* I'm not saying my daughter didn't have a good diet, I just hadn't thought of things from that perspective before. He also said that was true of exercise.

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