
School for the kids is going to start on August 15th and I'm not ready for it. We've spent the entire summer just moving, moving, moving. We've dealt with the huge change of location, and then spent 2 months dealing with adjusting. Finally, just as life seems to be settling down I have to gear up for school.

I feel like I haven't had a chance to just breathe. But no... I have to prep.

So, to make it fun I thought I'd share some of my more common methods of school preparation.

1. I make the kids go through all their clothes. We divide them into three piles.... Get rid of, Still usable, Mom can fix that. Then, once I know what we have I make a list for shopping. Currently on the list:

Tennis Shoes for Vicbowin

2. I decide how much money I can afford to spend on each child for everything, including school supplies. I always go over my limit.

3. Buy school supplies and put all of the stuff in their backpacks. This is the part where the kids get annoyed, and I feel like my mom... inveitably I say, "I'm not buying you a new pencil box when you have a perfectly good one at home." Then they say, "Moooooom!" and I remember being their age and give in.

4. I hold out buying clothes until I absolutely have to, because the second they are in the house the fight will begin and one morning I'll wake up to find the stash raided and the new clothes being worn.

5. I make two of these--- (click photo too see how).

6. I wait.

What do you do? Anyone have anything they do that they want to share? I'll even give you a full post all to yourself if you want to tell us you're BTS tactics.

PS. How do you like the new layout? Feel free to click around a little and see the changes. 


Anonymous said…
I always fill their back packs too. Sometimes there's not enough room for everything in the backpacks and the also have to carry a shopping bag.

I wait till last minute to buy shoes. They grow too fast. We just bought a pair of 9 1/2 size sunday shoes for my middle one. (Great deal though. $10 free card from Kohls. So we ended up paying 49 cents for the shoes. whoo hooo!!!!)

So for 2 years now I've stopped buying everything GET EVERYTHING BACK AT THE END OF THE YEAR!!!! Why do they give you that endless list only to buy their own folders and not use the ones you've spent the time and money to get? Or to use ...insert anything here... only once during the year?

Fortunately for me, my kids don't care and they don't argue with me about it as long as they have what's on their list.

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