Kids Say The Darndest Things

Me (bowing deeply): Oh, my goodness! Your Highness!
Mischievite: Mom, will you stop saying that. I'm not a prince.
Me: Then what are you?
Mischievite: I'm just a kid in a prince outfit.

Albowin: Your eyes are the color of green pickles.

Grandma: I didn't know all that about frogs and toads.
Albowin: Did you even go to school?

Albowin: Grandma, why is one side of your hair white and the other side yellow?
Grandma: It is?

Mischievite (after every time that his sister bugs him): That's why we shouldn't have a baby.

Neighbor Girl: Mom! He just put his chocolate ice cream in my pretty blonde hair!

Mischievite: Mom, he just hit me with his head.

Albowin: Except, I just have one single question.

Mischievite: Mom, Mom, I have some bad news.


mandi said…
How about, "I will fix it. I'm a great fixer!"

I love the one about Grandma's hair. I can totally imagine her response.
Cari Hislop said…
I love the one about Grandma's hair as well. It's just the sort of thing a kind would notice and then mention.

I once went to visit a friend who'd married a man with two young children. We were sitting at the table and the girl (about five) looked at me and said. "You have marble eyes." I love it...marble eyes. She's now grown up and a mother of two. Weird!

The last time I was at my sister's (it must have been shortly after arriving) one of my nieces looked at me and said, "You're fat!" I said, yes I am. Years later she apologized with the cutest hand made card. Kids are so funny! The next time I visit...I'm NOT going to be fat!

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