Moving Forward

I keep getting asked about remarrying and even whether I've started to date again.

I find this all slightly insulting and more than a little humorous. It sort of feels like asking someone whether they are going to have anymore children as they lay there cradling their dead infants body.

It's not actually remotely in my spectrum of thought. The idea repulses me quite thoroughly.

Will there be a time when I do choose to date again? I have no clue, but it wont be tomorrow or the next day or the day after that.

It would be more like when I'm 90.

On that note... whoever the gem of town gossip it was that told Ralexwin that I was out on the town with some guy. Um... sorry, wrong person... maybe next time check first before you set a match under that kindling.

Now, as for this blog. I truly do not want this to become a venting spot for all things angry. I want this to be, as it always has been, a window into my life and the daily struggles and joys that make me cannwin.

Please don't think I have forgotten that.

Like today I heard Queen's "We Are the Champions" on the radio and couldn't resist turning it up as loud as Remewin's precious ears could handle (which is not loud at all). I secretly get a huge kick out of doing this because inevitably the old men in the cars around me do a double take. It's funny to imagine what they are thinking about the sweet, innocent looking young lady with classic rock cranked all the way up in her car. It's true... I like to be unusual. :)

If you feel the strong desire to email me privately you can click on the email address in the left hand side bar. I will get it, although I can't promise a quick response as the emotional unload stage of this all is quickly fading into hunker down mode.

Love you all



Tracie said…
Wow.....some people are stupid. I love queen. Rock on!
Amy said…
Ugh. I actually got asked if we were going to have more kids while I was in the hospital for my stillbirth. Sometimes people open their mouths and just vomit out whatever is floating around in there.


I was rocking out to "Fat Bottom Girls" in my car on Saturday. LOL

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