
Yesterday is a day I am so very glad is behind me.
My friends all say I was fantastic because I didn't shed one tear.

What most of them don't know is that I cried all the way home, curled into a ball on my bed when I got there and cried for hours afterward.

Crying gives me such a headache. I really need to stop doing that.


Ashy said…
I'm glad that you made it through as well as could be expected. Remember we're just a phone call away. Love and hugs
Rob-bear said…
I'm so sad to hear all this. Not that you did well in court; that was good. But about how destructive this experience has been to you, overall. That is really sad!

Yes, I can understand how crying can give one a headache. That is another pain without which you can do nicely.

I wish I could be more helpful. I'm a long way away. Fortunately, you've got friends who are a lot closer.

Sadly, I have this feeling that it's going to be a while before this all gets put right. Or some semblance of right. If that is even possible.

Blessings in this challenging time; Bear hugs too (from a gentle old Bear).
Cari Hislop said…
Don't forget to add me to your list of friends! You'll be in my thoughts and prayers!!!
canadian_girl23 said…
Cannwin I think life is hardest when we're making decisions on our own, or that are outside of the support of those we feel should be supporting us the most. You are not alone despite how it feels right now. You're getting through the hardest part, just wait once you hit the bottom the only place is to go up... The tears will stop falling as hard, you'll no longer curl up and cry life will move on, granted like a recently healing wound the skin is tender and breaks easily but you'll get through it.
I love you, and my prayers are with you. Look after yourself.
coxlopes said…
Hi there sweet old friend :) - I've been reading your blog recently and am so saddened to hear about the challenges you are passing through right now. To help get you through some of those crying moments, just imagine how ridiculous we looked doing exercises on your little living room floor! (Haha!) Miss you and I really can't believe this. If you want to send me your info, I'd love to talk.

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