Fruit-Loop, Candy-Cane, Wierdo

Started summer school yesterday. I have to tell you, I hate hate hate the first day of classes. Is it really necessary to scare the be-jee-be's out of us?

I get way too stressed out about such things I suppose.

I also dyed my hair. :) Which has elicited multiple reactions from people. Mostly I've been told I'm having a mid-life crisis.

I can assure you I am not nearly old enough to have such things and if you knew me as a kid you would know hair dye is sort of something I enjoy.

Anyway.... I need to be more diligent about writing on here. I love you all so much and hate the idea that I'm forsaking my devoted readers.

I will try harder. :)


Rob-bear said…
No need to try harder. We're here. For the duration. I think. (At lest Bear is; I'm pretty sure about the rest.) Write when you can. More important, write when you want to write. Nobody tells me when to write. Right?

The hair colour bit is radical! I know women a lot older than you — think genuine mid-life crisis age — how put some dye in their hair for fun (not out of crisis). And have a great time. Be cool, but stay warm.

Maybe Bear should have some reddish hair, er, uh, fur. And maybe not. It might scare the living daylights out of the congregation if the pastor did that.

On second thought, maybe they need a bit of shaking up. Oh, well.

Blessings and Bear hugs.
Ashy said…
That looks so pretty! I chose to chop my hair off instead of dye it :) I wish I could see it in person!
Lisa said…
It looks awesome. And I'm dying my hair lavender in August. So we are both losing it I guess. ;)
Cari Hislop said…
I love the colour combo and it's cheap and cheerifying. I like how you've kept it to the ends so the colour won't affect your face - hence requiring the use of heavy make up to balance the color shift. I've been wanting to dye my hair electric pink for numerous decades (originally it was going to match a pink motorcycle which I'll never be able to ride because my arms would go numb and I'd fly off and become a tree ornament), but I recently saw this program on tv where a woman about my age had bright pink hair. It made her look SO much older (you saw the contrast when she appeared on screen later with a blondish colour) so I've sort of shelved that pink hair dream until my hair goes grey and'll see me coming from ten miles away!
Rachel Sue said…
I wish I had the guts to do it. I love it.

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