
Over the weekend I went up to Bryce Canyon with some pretty awesome people I know. It was fun, but not the story I want to tell you.

On our way up we noticed this car driving up the frontage road so fast that it past us on the freeway. This is really saying something because I-15 up through Utah is an 80mph road.... I usually go 85. So this guy was going at least 90.

And the frontage road wasn't paved.

So, we're watching him and making all sorts of comments about how he's catching just a bit of air every time he goes over a bump, or how we're just waiting for him to skid. Then I say "I've never actually seen a car accident."

It was like I jinxed the poor shmuck, because right then he skids. Dust envelopes his car and for a moment all we could see was the cloud of brown, then we saw him. FLIP-FLIP-FLIP.

We're pretty sure he went front over end first and then side over side. We were mesmerized! And neither of us thought did anything but watch for the split seconds that it took us to pass the accident.

"Well, you've seen one now."

"Aren't you going to call the police!?" I say in shock.

"Oh, yeah.... what do you think I should call? 911?"

I half laugh, half groan and pick up my own phone and dial 911.

But that's it... I have no clue what happened to the guy or whether he was hurt. With as fast as he was going I can't imagine him coming out of it unscathed.

And the moral of the story is, when driving 90 miles an hour, at least use the freeway.


Rob-bear said…
That's really sad!
Cari Hislop said…
Esperity...that is awful!

Why didn't the person driving the car you were in not stop to see if the injured idiot or any passengers needed help getting out of the car before it possibly blew up? Assuming you were driving along a desert road...the injured idiot, if unharmed, was left to crawl out of his/her car and wait under a desert sun possibly without water (or a working phone) for an ambulance that might have been using your phone signal to find the car crash?

I hope your friend driving isn't working or planning to work in a field that requires empathy or compassion.
Anonymous said…

I'm glad you had a good time. (sarcastic)
Anonymous said…
Wait, you didn't stop? Why the hell not?
Yes.I.Cann said…
Wow. Such a reaction. First of all I wasn't really near st. george... further north about an hour past Cedar actually.

Secondly we were on the freeway and they were not. We were past it faster than anything and have you ever tried to slam on your brakes in the middle of the interstate? It doesn't actually go over that well with the other cars.

We called 911 which is about as much as we could do being in the situation we were in.

I told them what mile marker we were at, which direction we were driving (North) and how fast we estimated the guy was going when he rolled. The dispatcher at that point said, 'Thanks,' and hung up the phone on me. (I wasn't very impressed with their 911 empathy skills).

There really was little else we could do.


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