Getting Back on My Feet

It is finals week for me, and I am extremely excited to be done with it. I overdid myself this semester and took 14 credits. That's five classes.

This may not sound like much (just two over the average) but for a single-mom with four children and a job this was insanity. Especially since two of those classes were English classes and I was forced to write WAY more than I had time for (I had three essays due this week totaling nearly 20 pages of writing and another 3-4 of pure citations).

Also, I moved.

I moved in with a friend and her partner.

They are the best and gave my children and I a place to stay until I have my feet back under me. The rent is half what I was paying. It's a tight fit for all of us but it's so much better than where the kids and I were at that I couldn't be more grateful.

Next semester I am going to be dropping down to part-time and focusing on working more hours so I can actually afford to live.

I'm also considering going into a technical program... but I have only toyed with that idea, nothing solid.

It's extremely hard being the sole financial supporter of four very fantastic little people. I am happy, that's for sure. Happier than I've been in a very long time, but I am tired.

Always, always, always daydreaming about naps.

I am growing and learning and loving though and I can't complain.

Life moves on and I am satisfied with being where I am.

I will attempt to write more on here now that I will have more time to do so.

As for right now, I have a math final to go take.

Wish me luck!


Rob-bear said…
WOW! You are one amazing person! Doing all that, including moving house. You make me feel exhausted just reading what you've done.

1. I hope your marks are great.
2. In Canada (don't know about the US) we are short of trades people — plumbers, electricians, carpenters, and the like. And trades people are making good money.
3. I hope for a Christmas present, some little people give you a nap. A long nap. An oh-so-very-long nap.

Blessings and Bear hugs (from the Bear who isn't hibernating, yet).
Ashy said…
Good luck! You've got this, Wonder Woman! :)
Lisa said…
You do what you got to do. And you do it well.

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