Funny Things the Kids Say

To smart for her own good:

Vicbowin: Mom, whats your favorite acid?


Vicbowin: I can sit in your seat because it's a free country!
Ralexwin: Well, it's not a free house.

Not quite there yet:

Albowin and the Mischievite: The rich man built his house upon the rock.
                                            The wise man built his house upon the sand.


Vicbowin: Way back when they used to put seeds in the ground and water it and the seeds would turn into food!

Thank you for that information:

Vicbowin: I like sleeping, it's one of my hobbies.


Vicbowin: But Moooom... the day before yesterday I didn't have lunch.


Ralexwin: Why do you think children make parents happy?
Albowin: Because they do work so moms and dads don't have to.


Mischievite: Mommy, Mommy! Me need to go #3!

Don't be rude:
Ralexwin: What did we just talk about?

Mischievite: No stinking.

Ralexwin (ignoring Mischievite): No fighting and...

Mischievite: No stinking!

Ralexwin: ... no yelling and...

Mischievite: No stinking.

Ralexwin: ... no hitting.

Mischievite: And no stinking.


Mischievite in the bath tub: "Dad, get out."

Ralexwin: "That was rude."

Mischievite: Me not mad, Dad. Me happy!... now get out.


Pearl said…
:-) Those kids are too much.
Amy said…
I'm sad you live so far away because I think our daughters would get on like peas in a pod.
Cannwin said…
I'm sure they would! And it would be nice for my girl to actually have some girls her age.
Lisa said…
My favorite is the free house comment.

And what is #3? A mix of #1 and 2?

My word verification is squit. That should mean something.
Myya said…
Hilarious! I love the things that come out of wee ones mouths!

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