American Southwest

Last weekend the kids had fall break so we took the chance to do some travelling.

We went down to Arizona to see one of my bestest friends in the whole wide world.

My friend's family home (where we met) is out on the Navajo Reservation in Northern AZ. It's desert landscape, with large patches of blissfully messy sand.

Remewin loved it and I had fun taking lots of pictures of her playing.

Then I got this one.

I'm just stunned. Her hair is the exact same color as the sand around her.

What an awesome thing to say about oneself!

Usually when someone asks you--"What color is your hair?" You have to say boring things like "Brown." Or "Dishwater Blonde."

My baby girl's hair is the color of the American Southwest.

I'm totally gloating about this for the next 50 years.

PS... see that short spot on the side of her head? That's from the first self induced hair cut that I hadn't gotten my courage up to cut yet.


Rob-bear said…
Glad you had a great time with your friend! We all need those kind of times.
And the young lady with the awesome hair cut? Don't mess with it too much; she may have started a new trend! (Bear chortles with delight!)
Blessings and Bear hugs!

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